<BGSOUND src="Open_Soda_Can.mp3"> GALAXIDI - Greece - meteo
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GALAXIDI - Greece - meteo

 Latitude N 38° 22' 28"    Longitude E 22° 23' 26"    Elevation 20 m

Dawn: 06:38 Sunrise: 07:05 Moonrise: 11:27 Moon
Dusk: 20:27 Sunset:  20:00 Moonset: 02:08
Daylight: 13:49 Day length: 12:55 Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent

Welcome to Galaxidi's Weather & Webcam provider.

The weather station in use is the WH3080, and these pages are auto-updated every 5 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.

Note that during hours with full sunshine outside temperature indicated may exceed the actual by +/-5%.
This is because temp sensor should be better protected against direct solar radiation.

Conditions at local time 14:45 on 08 April 2022
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 16.4 °C Dew Point / Humidex 8.4 °C / 16.9
Windchill 15.5 °C Humidity 59%
Heat Index 16.4 °C Apparent Temperature 12.4 °C
Solar Radiation 0 W/m² UV
Rainfall Today 0.0 mm Rainfall Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Rainfall This Month 0.0 mm Rainfall This Year 59.2 mm
Rainfall Last Hour 0.0 mm Last rainfall 2022-04-08 11:17
Wind Speed (gust) 27.0 km/h Wind Speed (avg) 18.4 km/h
Wind Bearing 1° N Beaufort F3 Gentle breeze
Barometer  1013.2 hPa Falling very rapidly -7.8 hPa/hr
:this month::this year::records::monthly records:
:trends::forum::webcam::NE Galaxidi yesterday (time-lapse video):
:webcam in Galaxidi Port::Galaxidi Port yesterday (time-lapse video):


NE View of the sky in Galaxidi-In the background Mount Parnassos *


- Professional mid-term Weather Forecast for Galaxidi available here.
- Corinthian Gulf Sea Conditions Forecast available here.
- Sailing Weather Forecast for Greece available here.
- Today's Sea Temperatures for Greece available here.
- Lightnings Live in Greece available here.
- Meteo-Satellite Greece available here.
- Meteo-Satellite Europe available here.
- Recent Earthquakes in Greece online available here.


SE View of the Port of Galaxidi *


* Snapshot updates every 5 minutes.

- Petalos picture by Kostas Asimakopoulos

Page updated 08/04/2022 14:45:00
powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (1090)